Yes that was a very entertaining and humorus fight however.. I think my favorite fight would have to go to Ichigo and Karyia (bount leader in case I spelled it wrong) I thought even though the bount arc was more or less a filler story that it was a dramatic insight not only to Karyia's past but to a possible future our beloved Ichigo may have to face. As Rukia said "Ichigo carries a burden we cannot understand" and one I didnt really think about till I saw that ep then I tried placing my self in the characters shoes. What can I say I started to understand Ichigo much better and appreciate his character much much more..visually the fight with Byakuya Kuchiki was probably the best so far in bleach except maybe the deul with Amagai, however the storyline that accompnied the fight with Karyia was for more meaningful and added much needed insight to the character of Ichigo. That didnt happen with the Byakua fight . And yes the fight with Renji was highly entertaining Renji is a comical character anyway. He adds much needed humor to the show Bleach can be so dark sometimes which is good for a setting but too much can be boring so comedy is the best relief for that I can see why you made your choice of the Renji vs Ichigo deul. But I myself love deep characters and a good plotline to me they are nessasary to make a good series last. And for the audience to fully appreciate the characters is nessary too. Sometimes good characters get killed of needlessly because a director thinks it will be good for ratings if they spend more time on thier story and characters they might see somthing else. My first impression of Ichigo in the begining was that he was a bit lacking in most respects. But has earned my respect over the years but your first impression of him or at least mine was BLAHHH. I still hope to see Ichigo get more character development though. I currently find his father very interesting indeed since the fight he protected Kon who is one of my favorite charcters because he is sure comic value both him and Isshin are really most of the time anyway. Slapstick is the best humor choice for a show like Bleach anyway. PEACE ALL!!